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Writer's pictureJessicaHaber

Free Falling

Since I’ve been discussing activities and what not I thought this would be a cool experience to share.

This is a blurry pic but still AWESOME! That’s me free falling from an airplane several thousand feet above upstate New York WITHOUT THE USE OF MY LEGS 🤪

Now, you might be wondering, “hey Jess, why the hell do I need my legs to fall from the sky?” Well, I guess you don’t but I still think it’s pretty fucking bad ass that I did it.

This was back in the nineties when I still had no fear and gave no fucks. I’m on the fence as to whether I would do it again now- although if someone told me not to I probably would because I’m petty like that 😜

Seriously though, it was an incredible experience and thanks to tandem jumping, I was able to make it happen with an experienced jumper strapped to my back.

For those who haven’t tried, the gist of a tandem jump is that you’re just along for the ride. In a tandem dive, the instructor is in charge of pulling the rip cord and landing safely. The landing involves holding your knees to your chest while he maneuvers the parachute and glides with his legs in the right position for touching down.

In this instance I have the upper hand. Apparently it’s pretty common for folks to hold their legs out when falling towards the earth and that is how they break or get injured.

I had the unfortunate chance to experience that first hand on my second jump when I accompanied my uncle. He spent the next six months in two full leg casts which I will always feel responsible for BUT he did say he had no regrets.

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