I got a text from my friend this weekend telling me that October is ‘NDEAM’ -National Disability Employment Awareness month. Did I know this? No, I did not. Maybe it was kismet, maybe I’m smarter than I even know - or maybe I’m just THAT GOOD.
I feel like I need to be honest here because it seems that the majority of people reading this are not disabled and I don’t want to be misleading. When it comes to being a woman with a disability, I’m kind of dumb.
If you’ve been following you know that I usually do things on a ‘learn as you go’ basis. I’ve had help along the way, but I feel like I’ve probably missed out on a lot of cool things I could’ve taken advantage of had I known about them. I don’t stay up to date on current research and findings. I don’t look that deeply into much of anything disability related.
It’s not because I think I’m better than that. It’s not really for any reason, just…well… meh. I’m not generally that passionate about too many things.
Everything I’ve been sharing is specific to me and my own experiences. I love sharing, I love the feedback, but if you want more cold, hard facts - I’m not your girl. I’m open to answer anything I can but just know, if you have a technical question, I’m likely googling that shit.
I’m really excited that this coming week I’m going to share something special with you - we’re going on vacation 🙂 I’m SO excited and cannot wait, but I’m looking forward to documenting it with you because traveling with me is a whole different experience.
Even just booking a trip is crazy. That sweet deal for the resort on the beach? Not gonna happen. Seven hundred rooms in a hotel and like seven that are ADA compliant. (Again, not a fact, just an educated guess).
When I originally booked this trip I bought a package deal and the price was just what we wanted to spend and included everything we wanted. Two weeks later I received a phone call that there were no wheelchair accessible rooms available in that category but I could upgrade. Cool!! I’ll take an upgrade!! Oh wait, you want me to PAY for that? Super.
I’m not a seasoned traveler but this isn’t my first rodeo and this happens every time, I kid you not. I’m not even being a princess about it! I NEED that room. Those regular rooms don’t allow me access to the bathroom (this is really becoming a pattern) so no shower and no toilet! I love time away from the everyday bullshit but I also like not peeing my pants and taking showers.
Don’t even bother with the AirBnBs - they’re few and far between. You walkers have no idea what a luxury it is to have the freedom to chose. Next time you’re on the website, put in a “wheelchair accessible” filter and research. You’ll see what I mean.
Before I even put it on my calendar I have to start dealing with these kinds of things. Hotels don’t even ‘guarantee’ accessible rooms so after all the juggling and phone calls, I still never know what will happen when I arrive. (Although I’ve been lucky for the most part).
So let’s see what happens tomorrow! Stay tuned…